Useful Links We Recommend

Here is our list of useful links. Every site listed here is related to the topic of alternative energy.

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Happy surfing... - is an information hub dedicated to sustainable heating methods such as low emission stoves, solar house designs, and geothermal systems.

Buy Portable Generators - Learn the top 3 places to buy portable generators, plus read reviews about gas, electric and diesel generators. Find out about top brands like Generac generators, Kipor, Coleman, and Kohler generators.

Planet Berry! - is dedicated to providing a rich online content portal providing health and wellness topics spanning our Planet's needs through our Populations quest for improved overall life styles. We publish an array of content on Alternative Energy discoveries and directions along with new and exciting Nutritional Supplements for all ages.

The Art of Solar Cooking - Take advantage of the abundant free energy from the sun! Learn how to eat more nutritiously and how to save money and resources at the same time. - whether it is a full or partial solar power installation you will find everything you need to know about solar here. Join the millions who are saving money and going green - Go Solar! - is a site that promotes products that are healthy for people and the environment, including alternative energy solutions.

Green Passive Solar Home Plans - Green Passive Solar Homes with Sustainable Design. Energy Efficient Passive Solar House Plans. Solar Home Plans. Zero Energy Home Plans.

Homebuilding Questions?! - tap into Jim's 30+ years experience in designing residential homes and additions, and his knowledge in all areas of building materials via this "easy to search through" group of catagories. - learn how to reduce your home energy bills using the latest residential energy metering technology available today.

Hiking Tents and Equipment - for tips on camping and hiking, including equipment recommendations; check out this one stop resource for all your adventure needs. - here you will find information and knowledge Dan gained building his own home. The steps, procedures and methods used in building a home and the order in which they come, are just a few of the things you will find. - Is your carbon footprint defined by the lifestyle you lead? Carbon footprint reduction begins at home, a few steps at a time. - Want to become a professional solar PV installer? Ontario Solar Academy's 5-Day installation training can provide you with the skills you need as you begin searching for renewable energy careers in Canada.

Sunup Solar Power - A one stop source of information for those who want to install a home solar power system.

Home Alternative Energy is where the smart people go to get important facts about wind power.

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AMAZING ONLINE EARNING OPPORTUNITY - this is an amazing opportunity to earn a great income online!

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